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Doā€™s and Donā€™ts When Writing Your Personal Statement

So, you’ve decided to apply to law school. Law school applications require a personal statement! Your personal statement should explain to the law school why law school is the next reasonable step for you. Writing about yourself without a clear topic can be really difficult for some people so here are some do’s and don’ts when writing your personal statement.

Personal Statement Do’s

1) Do format it appropriately.

Make the story flow as if you’re talking face-to-face with someone about your interest in the law or law school. Make sure to write in the first person to get the best effect of this. Your personal statement should show the reader why you decided to choose law school and why you’re applying to that specific school. Also, consider the appropriate formatting, which should be two pages maximum, double-spaced, written in Times New Roman or Arial font.

2) Do carefully edit your own work. 

Although you may think your first draft...

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